Thursday, October 23, 2008

Part II of Using Proper Storage Technique As You Survive A Food Emergency

I know I’m kind of stating the obvious with some of my comments, but it still needs to be said and thought about. Plastic containers, as previously stated, are maybe the most obvious form of survival food storage, but certainly not the only choice.

Glass jars are also quite useful for storing your food items. That is very apparent just by walking down any aisle at the local grocery store and supermarket.

Food storage using glass jars is done in the way of what is called “canning”. If you have never been around this procedure while your mom or grandmother was canning, it is accomplished, in a simple explanation, by placing the food items in a glass jar with water and any seasoning desired, using a two piece lid with a rubber seal on it and heating the jar up with high heat in a pressure cooker. The pressure cooker is optional and you can do what is called cold packing. Either way, as the glass and contents of the jars begin to cool after the heating cycle, a vacuum is created inside the jar and the lid is literally sucked down onto the jar with a huge amount of pressure. I remember hearing the lids “pop” as they would seal and you knew another jar of food was safe from spoilage. If the lid didn't "pop", the contents were either eaten within the next day or discarded. As you consume the food inside the jar, the glass jar is washable and re-usable. The only thing needed is another lid assembly for the next canning process. Very old school form of survival food, long term storage technique, but also very effective. Homemade survival food kit.

Be prepared.

Grandma really did know her stuff about keeping her family ready to survive a food emergency. Thanks granny.. You can Too, Find Out How

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