Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Small Tropical Storm or Major Tornado…Either one can create a food emergency.

Another point in case, an F-4 tornado struck our neighborhood just this spring, sadly killing 14 people, but leaving hundreds of others without the essentials for daily existence, and it all happened and was over in minutes. People with no shelter, all possessions blown literally away, and a sudden and very real need to gather all items necessary for survival, including food and water.

The devastation was very over-whelming. I have no way of knowing how many, if any, had a food storage plan in place. I’m sure some did, because here in “tornado alley”, we just know at some point that it will happen. But, because we never know where the next natural disaster will strike, we need to be prepared. And that’s why you need to pick up at least a few food storage survival kits and educate yourself on how to survive a food emergency.

I am not a paranoid fool who thinks we should all prepare for a global disaster like something from a summer blockbuster movie, but stocking up on basic survival needs, survival food storage kits and being prepared to survive a food emergency certainly seem like a prudent message to convey to you and try to convince you of the importance to you and your family.

Tropical storm Fay hung around Florida for days and caused major flooding and crisis for a lot of people who I’m sure didn’t expect a small storm like Fay to be capable of.

My only point is to be prepared, be aware that you may have to survive a food emergency at some time. You may really have a need for survival food storage someday. You do not want to be trying to compensate for lack of preparing when you are trying to survive.

Stock up on your necessities TODAY

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why Should I Care About How to Survive a Food Emergency?

So, let's re-visit the question of, how important can it really be to worry about how to survive a food emergency? And, that's a logical question, when you consider that there may have never been any kind of disastrous event in your life, and even if there has been, why waste money preparing now because in all likelihood, no similar event will probably ever happen again. Sounds a bit risky to me.

Do I think you need to act like this summer’s blockbuster world-wide disaster movie will happen to you--absolutely not. Do I think that stocking up on some necessities is a good idea--absolutely yes. Why does keeping several earthquake survival kits around sound so absurd, if you live in a place like California where earthquakes are relatively common? Why does long term food storage sound silly if you live in a region prone to the very real possibility of a devastating natural disaster? Just make sure you are able to survive a food emergency by having food storage kits at your disposal. The time to worry about what you and your family will eat and drink is not the day after a crisis occurs.

I actually hope and pray that you would never have to use the food storage kits, just like I hope you never have to use your fire insurance, but do you keep your fire insurance current? You bet you do!

My point is, prepare. Think, prepare and be comfortable in the knowledge that you have improved your family’s chances to survive a food emergency.

Stock up on some necessities TODAY

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Proclaim Your Freedom and Survive a Food Emergency

What’s that, you ask? Why should anyone invest in food storage survival kits and supplies? I know, you think that “the” disaster will never invade your life. Wanna bet? I did, and lost. An ice storm took us down for 12 days. No power, no heat, no water(the well needs electricity) and the real threat was not being able to get out for 8 days because of the total devastation, down power lines and a massive tangle of toppled trees. Talk about wondering how to survive a food emergency! I guess cost could be an excuse. Not really. A great many disaster supplies are quite affordable--especially those for the short term plan. $200 or less can save your household from being unnecessarily hungry, from infections, and other undesirable things that become apparent during disasters. Hey Charles, you say, I don’t have much extra storage space. Again, not a problem, because freeze dried foods and/or kits likely to be used to survive a food emergency are small than many regular foods, and most compare in space usage to that of a lunch bag—yet can still help save your lives.

I truly am not a dooms-dayer, but there are days of extreme natural events, and we do see signs of troubled economic times and who can deny the politically unstable climate in the world today. These are all good reasons to invest a survival kit of some size. Add to the kit the sheer peace of mind that you would have, since you could be certain you can and will survive a food emergency with your food storage survival kits. You will have positioned yourself to go into and through the disaster, proclaiming your confidence in being prepared. Most of all, you will know you have done what it takes to keep you and your family safe.
Be Confident…Be Prepared…start HERE

Planning to Survive a Food Emergency

So now the question becomes, do you plan big or plan small? Either way, you are ahead of the game. You may want to just prepare for a short term type event like earthquakes or tornadoes, etc. Or you may plan towards the more long term disasters like ice storms, blizzards or floods. Maybe, just for and potentially just as devastating like a serious economic depression. Your short term disasters are easily arranged to help survive a food emergency, such as with a food storage survival kit or two to get your family through a few days. Throw in a book of matches and a radio, and you’re pretty much set. If, however, you wish to prepare for the larger and longer disaster, then of course you will need to invest in much larger supplies of food and water, so to survive a food emergency for these cases requires some food storage long term planning. Also, you will want to go through a comprehensive thought process as to all the other necessities that may be needed for you and your family to survive.

Health insurance, clothing, shelter, life insurance, budgeting in general, any of the needs that you must provide for your family, take a certain amount of thought and planning. Proper and adequate preparation is the logical solution to providing any of the basics needs of yours and your family’s. Being able to survive a food emergency is no different. It’s just proper preparation for the future. As a minimum investment to your family’s peace, consider setting aside enough clean drinking water, freeze dried food, and other miscellaneous supplies for a short term disaster. That by itself could have you living secure, while others are struggling to find minimal supplies and necessities. Even though pride and doubt may try to convince you that it's silly to invest in something like food storage survival kits, don't allow yourself to be a part of the confused and dazed crowd, at the time when you need to be strong; Plan and prepare.
Do Your Planning HERE

Monday, August 11, 2008

Rest Peacefully and Survive a Food Emergency
What day is today? Monday? Friday? What is the world’s disaster today? Tsunamis. Earthquakes. Tornadoes. Hurricanes. Volcanic eruptions. Blizzards. Economic Crash. Any one of these events could be the news story of the day, and a news story is all they are, unless you happen to live where they happen. Then they become a life threatening event to you and your family. We’ve all watched on the news as people struggle to cope and /or survive, while barely thinking about how that could easily be me and my family. If one of these disasters were to happen in your neighborhood, would you be one of the few who is actually prepared or would you need to be rescued by someone else, if they are willing to help? You can rest more peacefully knowing you greatly increased your chance for survival by preparing you and your family to be able to survive a food emergency with food storage survival kits.

Don’t hesitate…Learn more HERE