Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why Should I Care About How to Survive a Food Emergency?

So, let's re-visit the question of, how important can it really be to worry about how to survive a food emergency? And, that's a logical question, when you consider that there may have never been any kind of disastrous event in your life, and even if there has been, why waste money preparing now because in all likelihood, no similar event will probably ever happen again. Sounds a bit risky to me.

Do I think you need to act like this summer’s blockbuster world-wide disaster movie will happen to you--absolutely not. Do I think that stocking up on some necessities is a good idea--absolutely yes. Why does keeping several earthquake survival kits around sound so absurd, if you live in a place like California where earthquakes are relatively common? Why does long term food storage sound silly if you live in a region prone to the very real possibility of a devastating natural disaster? Just make sure you are able to survive a food emergency by having food storage kits at your disposal. The time to worry about what you and your family will eat and drink is not the day after a crisis occurs.

I actually hope and pray that you would never have to use the food storage kits, just like I hope you never have to use your fire insurance, but do you keep your fire insurance current? You bet you do!

My point is, prepare. Think, prepare and be comfortable in the knowledge that you have improved your family’s chances to survive a food emergency.

Stock up on some necessities TODAY

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