Thursday, September 4, 2008

Food Emergency Brought To You By Your Local Disaster

Do you think there were a ton more people this last week along the Gulf coast that understood the crisis and stress of surviving a food emergency, among all the other needs during a disaster, better than they did three years go with another named storm? You know there was.

Hurricane Gustav. Here in the mid-west, Gustav came through as nothing more than a low pressure system with a ton of rain. We got about 6” of rainfall in the two day visit from Gustav. No big deal. The folks along the Gulf coast were not so lucky, and let me say up front, if you are from the damaged region there, that my prayers are with you for speedy recovery and healing from your losses.

Another bit that annoys me a little is the fact that the news media doesn’t seem to think it much of big deal apparently, since the Big Easy was spared this time, there hasn’t been near the coverage on the storm and it’s aftermath. I’m quite certain though that there is every bit as much damage and loss as with Katrina, just no major metro flooding and no story line.

I also noticed that with approach of this storm, the memory of Katrina was still very real and people, including local and state leadership took the necessary precautions as did the general public, and they all had a much better plan in place. They were prepared.

Watching the new weather reports, all attention now seems to be focused on the next named storm, Hanna. Right now, there are millions of folks in the Southeast U.S. gathering survival supplies and preparing to move inland if needed. Protections are being placed to protect property and businesses. Again, they are preparing.

As usual, that is pretty much my only message. People need to be prepared for all manner of disaster, natural or otherwise. All disasters bring immediate crisis and a need to be able to survive a food emergency, and survival food storage is vital to the preparedness. Don’t wait and try to figure it all out during the crisis. Have the plan in place and know you and the family is protected.

CLICK HERE if you think you are ready to deal with the natural disasters that affect your area?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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Be Prepared!

Dr. Kevin R. Linam Survival Team Leader, IBO, Teacher/Coach
Atmore, Alabama